Apple fined billions by the EU

Skærmbillede 2024-03-05 142437
Translate from : Apple idømt millardbøde af EU
Apple has been fined €1.8 billion for hindering competition in music streaming.

At a time when antitrust regulators are going after Big Tech companies in a big way, Apple is the tech giant that has largely escaped punishment. But that is changing now.

Yesterday, Apple was hit with a 1.8 billion euro fine by the European Commission after concluding that the company used its dominance to limit competition in music streaming.


European lawmakers ruled that for a decade Apple prevented music streaming services (read: Spotify) from telling iPhone users they could get cheaper subscriptions outside Apple's App Store, resulting in users paying higher prices.

The fine is the third largest ever imposed by the EU Commission against a company. Apple responded sharply again. Apple singled out Spotify — whose 2019 complaint against Apple triggered the investigation that led to the fine — as "the primary proponent of this decision — and its biggest beneficiary," claiming the Swedish-based company has a monopoly in the music streaming market. Apple plans to appeal the fine.

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