iPhone 15 - New materials and USB C!

Skærmbillede 2023-09-13 092109
Translate from : iPhone 15 - Nye materialer og USB C!
Apple held their latest event yesterday, where they, among other things, also presented their new iPhone 15 family. There was something new from Apple, but nothing really ground-breaking.


One of the biggest changes we saw with the iPhone 15, across all new models, is that they now come with USB C for charging. It comes, of course, in response to EU legal requirements and not necessarily with Apple's goodwill.

Apple iPhone 15 USB C

The result, however, is that Apple is now finally on the same cable as pretty much the rest of the tech world. It's only the second cable change that's happened in the entire history of the iPhone, so it's a pretty big step, all things being equal.

There is a slight difference between the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro on the USB C standard. The normal iPhone 15 has to make do with USB 2.0, while the iPhone 15 Pro comes with USB 3.

Still not the shadow of real Fast Charging

Perhaps a bit disappointing is that, despite the switch to USB C, Apple still hasn't upgraded their charging. So compared to what you can get on Android, charging on the new iPhone 15 phones will still be a slow affair with a maximum of 20W.

iPhone 15 Pro and 15 Pro Max

On the surface, it doesn't look like much has happened with the new iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max. However, there are new things on both the outside and the inside of the phone.

Apple iPhone 15 Pro Titanium

The first of course is the switch to USB C, which we have already gone over. However, Apple has also changed the material on the frames around the edge of the phone. It's titanium now, which means the phone is also 19 grams lighter than previous versions, despite being the same size. At the same time, the edges have become slightly more curved.

iPhone 15 Pro Action Button

The page has also been updated, where the mute button has now been replaced by the new Action Button. It sits in exactly the same place as the mute button did, and by default it is also set to the same function.

The new thing, however, is that you can choose which function it should have via the software. This means that you can set it to start the camera, calendar or whatever else suits you best.

A17 Pro chip 6nm Apple Iphone 15 Pro

The internal hardware has also been updated with the new A17 Pro, which is based on a 3nm process from TSMC. It is the market's first 3 nm chip, which is a big deal in the super competitive chip market. Apple has an agreement with TSMC for exclusive rights to the new 3nm process for about a year before others can get a share of that cake.

With the new A17 Pro chip in the iPhone 15 Pro models, Apple promises about 10% better performance on their performance cores, a Neural Engine that is about twice as fast as before, and then there is also a new six-core GPU chip. The new GPU ship should be up to 20% faster than previous models.

Of course, the camera setup on the new iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max is also very important for many, and a little has happened here as well.

iPhone 15 Pro 48 MP main sensor

A new improved 48 MP primary sensor has arrived, which should easily and quickly switch between 24, 28 and 35 mm focal length. By default, pictures are taken in 24 MP, but it is possible to use the full 48 MP.

The primary sensor for the company of a new improved ultra wide sensor and then a telephoto, which is slightly different depending on whether you choose a Pro or a Pro Max model. On the "small" Pro you get 3x Zoom, while on the Pro Max there is a 5x tetraprism zoom lens.

Screenshot 2023-09-13 091956.jpg

On the software side, a little has also happened. In particular, the new Portrait mode was highlighted. In part, the regular portrait mode was improved, but it is also included in the regular photos.

iPhone 15 new portrait mode.jpg

The camera automatically detects when there are people, and even cats or dogs, in the image and then saves the depth information together with the image. This means that you can subsequently go back and change the image to the same style as if it had been taken in Portrait Mode. Nice addition!

iPhone 15 Pro colors.jpg

The screen sizes are still a 6.1" and a 6.7" version and they come in the colors Natural Titanium, Blue, White and Black. Prices start from DKK 9,799 for an iPhone 15 Pro and DKK 11,799 for a Pro Max. So the expected large price increase did not materialize.

iPhone 15 and 15 Plus

For the "smaller" models in the new iPhone 15 family with the iPhone 15 and 15 Plus, a little has naturally also happened.

USB C is also included here, but as I said, only the slow USB 2.0.

On the external design, not much has happened since the last version. The edges have become more rounded, as we also saw on the Pro models, but here there is no upgrade to titanium.

iPhone 15 glass back tinted

Instead, the glass on the back has been upgraded with new glass, which consists of a fixed tinted glass part with a matte finish.

The new Action Button also does not find its way onto the standard models, which instead retain the normal mute button that we know.

However, what the iPhone 15 and 15 Plus get on the front is the Dynamic Island, which was part of last year's top models. So now you can get live notifications here.

iPhone 15 Dynamic Island

On the internal hardware, there is also an upgrade to last year's A16 Bionic chip with the improvements that come with it.

The camera on the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus has been upgraded with a 48 MP primary sensor, so here the quality has also been bumped up.

The same new option for automatic portrait photos is naturally also included in the iPhone 15 and 15 Plus models.

iPhone 15 colors

The new iPhone 15 and 15 Plus models are available in the colors black, blue, green, yellow and pink. Prices start at 1200$ for an iPhone 15 and 1500$ for an iPhone 15 Plus.

All the new iPhone models in both the regular and Pro series can be pre-ordered from September 15 and will hit the shelves on September 22.

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