Google hardware event den 13. august

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If you're waiting to see the Pixel 9, Pixel Watch 3 or other new Google hardware, then August 13 could be a big day for you, because now the invitation to Google's next hardware event has been rolled out.

And this teaser, which Google has posted with the title "AI… meet IX at Made by Google," makes the purpose of the event even clearer.

The keynote will take place at 10:00 a.m. PT / 1:00 p.m. ET, corresponding to 19.00 Danish time, and you can be sure that we will be there to see what's new. It comes earlier in the year than last year's Made by Google showcase, where Google unveiled the Pixel 8 phones, Pixel Watch 2 and AI improvements to Google Assistant.

Google event 13 August.webp

Moving the date forward means there is less time for leaks before the event, which has typically been a problem for the Pixel series. It could also be that Google is just further ahead in their schedule this year and wants a big lead up to the Christmas season trade with their new hardware. It may also be that there is just a smaller lineup to prepare this year, and Google may therefore be ready earlier in the year.

We'll have to wait and see until August 13.

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