More technical information about Gears of War: E-Day

Gears Eday
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A few days ago, Microsoft revealed a prequel to the first Gears of War game called Gears of War: E-Day. Gears of War: E-Day will be powered by Unreal Engine 5, and today we can share some additional technical details about it.

According to Microsoft, Gears of War: E-Day will use Ray Tracing to improve lighting, reflections and shadows. Furthermore, the game will have over 100 times more environmental and character detail than Gears 5. The Coalition also promises to implement next-gen destruction and violence. Not only that, the game will feature cutting-edge animation technology. In other words, this promises to be one of the best looking games in UE5.

Since Gears of War: E-Day uses UE5, we can assume that the ray-traced lighting will be Lumen. After all, Lumen is a form of Ray Tracing. Regarding the ray-traced shadows, Microsoft could refer to Virtual Shadow Maps and we also assume that the game will utilize Nanite.

The Coalition has also reconfirmed that the game's debut trailer was an in-engine trailer and not a CG trailer. Although we don't know what platform it ran on, it wasn't a pre-recorded video. So let's wait and see if the developers will be able to match these graphics.

Gears of War: E-Day takes place fourteen years before Gears of War. War heroes Marcus Fenix and Dom Santiago return home to face a new nightmare: the Locust Horde. These subterranean monsters, grotesque and merciless, emerge from the underground and besiege humanity itself.

Something else interesting is that this new GoW: E-Day will not be an open-world game. Instead, it will be a completely linear game. It comes straight from the game's director, Nicole Fawcette. And to be honest, I'm glad the game won't chase the open-world trend. Let the developers tell a compelling linear story instead.

There is currently no ETA on when this new GoW game will be released. Naturally, we will make sure to keep you updated.

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