The Sims 5 has been leaked

The Sims Project Rene
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An early version of the upcoming Sims game has been leaked. Both the PC and Android versions are currently circulating on the web.

According to some reports, the leaked trial version for PC uses Denuvo anti-tamper technology. This is consistent with what EA has done with their recent PC releases.

Also note that I use the name The Sims 5 loosely here. EA has not revealed its exact title. It's been around a year since EA revealed that they were working on a new version of The Sims. Since then it has been called Project Rene, which in any case probably won't end up being the final title.


At the time, Lyndsay Pearson, Vice President of Franchise Creative for The Sims, said:

"From the beginning, The Sims defined life simulation gaming and has continued to grow into an incredible platform for creativity and self-expression. Today marks the start of our journey for years to come as we work on this next game and creative platform that currently has titled Project Rene. Building on the same basic structure that has made The Sims captivating for generations of players, we're pushing the boundaries to create new experiences. We'll have much more to share as we continue to advance the game's development and milestones along the way."

The interesting thing here is that this leak has revealed the engine Maxis will use. Instead of using Frostbite, this new The Sims game will be powered by the Unreal Engine. However, we don't know if it will be UE4 or UE5.


The Sims 5 will be a free-to-play game. So my guess is that EA will use Denuvo to "protect" its paid expansions and DLCs.

We would of course encourage everyone to stay away from a leaked version of the game. This kind of software is often used to spread malware and a lot of other crap that you don't want on your computer.

There is currently no announcement from EA about when we can look forward to the release of the game. However, it may end up moving faster than planned, based on this leak.

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