Worshippers of Cthulhu lander den 21. oktober

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A week after securing a publishing deal with Crytivo as well as a demo release, Crazy Goat Games has announced that Worshipers of Cthulhu will be released on October 21st on PC via Steam, with future releases on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series . The developer also celebrated the occasion with a new trailer presented at Gamescom.

The trailer shows a new, darker side to the game where players can ritually engrave a design into the back of a villager. According to the press release, this practice strengthens the bond the player builds with Cthulhu, with the ultimate goal of bringing Cthulhu to power. That shouldn't come as a surprise since you can sacrifice your followers (or those you've captured) to the Great Old One.

In Worshipers of Cthulhu, your journey begins with establishing and managing cities across multiple islands. Effective resource management and strategic decisions are key. Perform dark rituals to gain supernatural powers and explore mysterious lands for hidden resources. Conquer territories while deciding the fate of non-believers, either by converting them or (as mentioned) sacrificing them to Cthulhu. You must balance Cthulhu's patience with your cult's fanaticism to ensure survival and dominance in an ever-changing environment.

Cthulhu isn't the only Lovecraftian god you'll be dealing with, as you'll be performing rituals to interact with Dagon and other beings from Lovecraftian mythology. By doing this, you will gain "deep knowledge and receive supernatural blessings." Then you can use these blessings to increase your power and expand your city.

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