LinkedIn, the career-oriented social network, is reportedly considering adding gaming to its platform. According to TechCrunch, there are some puzzle games in development. FOX Business has reached out to LinkedIn for comment in this regard. The company has told TechCrunch that they are "experimenting with adding puzzle-based games within the LinkedIn experience to add some fun, strengthen relationships and hopefully spark conversation."
Independent app researcher Nima Owji and others apparently discovered the project earlier and brought attention to it on social media. The upcoming games have names like "Crossclimb" and "Queens," according to TechCrunch.
It's unclear when Microsoft-owned LinkedIn intends to make them available to users. LinkedIn offers both free and paid subscription options for their platform. The platform's global membership was around 1 billion at the end of January. Games would add another feature to the platform, which job seekers often use to find job vacancies and connect professionals and companies for recruitment.