Samsung is expected to raise SSD prices

Samsung Enterprice SSD
Translate from : Samsung forventes at hæve SSD prisen
Samsung Electronics is expected to raise the prices of enterprise SSDs by 20-25% in the 2nd quarter of this year. The information comes via South Korean business media.

Samsung Electronics is expected to raise the price of enterprice by 20-25% in the second quarter of this year. This information comes from South Korean business media. The increasing demand for NAND-based storage devices, especially related to artificial intelligence (AI), is the main reason for this price increase. Samsung, one of the leading players in this sector, has seen a big increase in demand from big tech companies building AI-related storage servers.

Samsung NAND Flash chip.jpg

In addition, the Japanese government has announced that it will award an additional ¥590 billion in subsidies to chip maker Rapidus. This move is expected to strengthen Japan's position as one of the leading chip makers in the world. " We are investing in our technology sector to ensure that we remain competitive on a global scale," Japan's Industry Minister Saito said in a statement.

For ordinary consumers, it is of course most interesting whether the upcoming price increases will also spread to ordinary consumer products with NAND chips.

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